GOLIATH è un virtual instrument dotato di 32 gb di libreria che racchiude al suo interno oltre al già pluripremiato Colossus anche il famoso pianoforte Bosendorfer 290 e 8 Gb di nuovi campioni
Goliath include oltre 180 strumenti suddivisi a loro volta in oltre 600 patch comprendenti batterie, percussioni, chitarre, bassi, piani elettrici ed acustici, strumenti orchestrrali, cori, strumenti etnici e synth di ogni genere.
Un vero best seller per chi vuole avere tutto a disposizione in un unico Virtual Instrument.
Per un elenco completo degli strumenti contenuti in GOLIATH clicca qui
Goliath utilizza il nuovo player della EastWest PLAY
* KEY FACTS: Produced by DOUG ROGERS and NICK PHOENIX * Includes the entire content of COLOSSUS plus 8 GBs from the latest EASTWEST/QUANTUM LEAP collections. * Includes the full version of the EASTWEST/PMI BOSENDORFER 290 PIANO * Includes 40 GB of content including 180 instruments, and over 600 patches of instruments, soundscapes and textures. * Powered by the advanced EASTWEST PLAY engine
GOLIATH is the only complete collection that delivers professional quality instruments and sounds from the multi award-winning EASTWEST/QUANTUM LEAP production team.
GOLIATH includes the advanced EASTWEST PLAY software, the easiest to use, and most powerful sample playback software available including both 64-bit and 32-bit support so you can load many more instruments than current systems. There is no learning curve involved. Once installed you will be able to use GOLIATH instantly and the results will blow you away.
DRUMS/PERCUSSION Custom Congas, Distorted Beatbox, EW Studio 2 Ludwig Kit, Radiostatic Anamoly, Rhythmic Synth FX, Tong Zi, Tambourines, Tibetan Bells
GUITARS Concert Guitar, Fender Telecaster, Fender 5 String Bass, Hard Rock Rhythm Guitar, Les Paul Guitar, Ska Guitar
KEYBOARD/MALLET Italian Accordion
ORCHESTRA New Flute, Staccato Flute, 6 French Horns, Legato Violins and Cellos, Marcato Violins and Cellos, Orchestral Percussion Kit, new Trumpet, Staccato Trumpet, new solo Violin
PIANO/ELECTRIC PIANO PMI Bosendorfer 290 (full version)
CHOIR/VOCAL New Basses, Tenors, Altos, Sopranos and Boys Choir, Solo Boy, Solo Female Vocals Interfaccia
* WINDOWS XP (32 o 64-bit), VISTA (32 o 64-bit), processore 2.5 Ghz o più velocce, 1 Gb di RAM, Mac OS X 10.4 o superiore , POWER PC (processore 1Ghz o superiore) o INTEL MAC, 1 Gb di RAM * 40 GB di spazio libero su hard disk * Lettore DVD * Chiave iLok
La chiave iLok non è inclusa nel pacchetto, per l'attivazione è necessaria una connessione ad internet.